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A couple days ago we decided to create a FIFA ranking in real time. There was no such tool and it was needed. This ranking is available on the official site FIFA once a month. But what if we want to see our national team position during the match? So far we have been waiting for an official update. Now we can use the FIFA ranking on the FcTables portal.
When I was creating this ranking, I was wondering why FIFA gave one team more points and less points to another. You will find here how to calculate the FIFA ranking, below I will present a scoring system in brief. Ranking is based on the matches played in the last 48 months. Matches are divided into 12 months periods. Each period receives the weight for meetings held over a given time period:
Last 12 Months, Weight: 1.0 (Average points in the last 12 months * 1)
12-24 months, weight: 0.5 (Average points in 12-24 months * 0.5),
24 - 36 months, weight: 0.3 (average points in 24-36 months * 0.3),
36 - 48 months, weight: 0.2 (average points in 36-48 months * 0.2)
Each match receives points depending on: the position of the opponent in the FIFA ranking before the match, the power of the federation the team participate (UEFA, CONCACAF, AFC etc.), the result of the match (win, draw, penalty win) and tournament strength (Championship World, Euro, Friendly Match, World Cup or European Qualification)
If you would like to learn more about how to count points, click on the link, you will more about the scoring system on the example of Germany representation.
I will show this on the example of the Chilean team from the ranking of 6 July 2017. After a few days counting, reviewing all the results I came to the conclusion that something had to be added badly. For Chile I have always missed 225 points to score for last 4 years to make the score the same as on the official FIFA website. The averages of 2,3 and 4 years agreed to 2 decimal places. The problem occured with the average for the last 12 months. During this time Chilean national team played 18 matches with 10001,68 points for those matches, which gives an arithmetic average of 555.65 but 568.15 is on the official website. Then I had to go wrong or FIFA did.
To prove that I correctly calculated the points for Chile will chart the last 12 months:
Chile between 5th July 2017 and 5th July 2016 played 18 matches:
2017-07-02 Germany 0 points
2017-06-28 Portugal 1146.24 pts
2017-06-25 Australia 421.8000 pts
2017-06-22 Germany 588.0450 pts
2017-06-18 Cameroon 1398.6000 pts
2017-06-13 Romania 0.0000
2017-06-09 Russia 136.3150 pts
2017-06-02 Burkina Faso 441.2250 pts
2017-03-28 Venezuela 1057.5000 pts
2017-03-23 Argentina 0.0000
2017-01-15 Iceland 534.3150 pts
2017-01-11 Croatia 370.1400 pts
2016-11-15 Uruguay 1432.5000 pts
2016-11-10 Colombia 487.5000 pts
2016-10-11 Peru 1312.5000 pts
2016-10-06 Ecuador 0.0000
2016-09-06 Bolivia 675.00 - Win by awarded match(Walkover) when get position for ranking by game date
2016-09-01 Paraguay 0
Sum: 10001,68
Average: 555,65
On the official website is a result of 568.15. What makes such a difference? If they played 18 games then the sum of points for 12 months given on FIFA site should be 10226,7. My result is 10001,7. The difference is exactly 225 points. I was wondering that equal number but - the match Chile - Bolivia ended in a walkover, they could have doubled points. For the awarded match Chile should get 675 points, in the event of a tie they would get perfectly 225 points but fifa assigns awarded matches to the rankings when the walkover is declared, so the date of the match does not matter in this case.
For the match Chile - Bolivia they gave 900 points instead of 675. So where do these 225 points come from? Points are given according to the formula:
Fifa for this match get position from fifa rankings: 10.2016 in this ranking Bolivia (80 position) so there will be 120 points.
P = M * I * T * C
M for this match is: 3 (win, in case of tie 1)
I = 2.5 (tournament weight)
T = 80 (Bolivia was on 80th place in ranking 10-2016 (awarded match date) so 200 - 80 = 120)
C = 1 (federation strength)
For winning score: 900 points
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